Avalon II
About Avalon II
Avalon II is a five reel and one hundred and fifty coin slot machine, with:
- 243 permanently enabled pay ways.
- A wild symbol.
- An expanding wild symbol.
- A scatter symbol.
- A Grail bonus game.
- A Merlin bonus feature.
- A Paytable Achievements feature.
Game Payouts
Winnings paid out on the slot machine are dependent on the symbols displayed, once the reels have come to a stop.
All pay ways are permanently enabled for every spin, so you cannot select or de-select pay ways. All bet amounts are automatically multiplied by a 30 bet multiplier. So, if you bet 1 coin, you are betting 1 coin x 30 = 30 total coins bet per spin.
- Regular Payouts
All payout figures show the number of coins that are won for each combination. The total number of coins paid out depends on the number of coins you play.
Regular wins are calculated by taking the number of coins won, multiplied by the number of coins bet. For each spin, the bet amount you choose is automatically multiplied by the bet multiplier.
The number of credits won is dependent on the total number of coins won multiplied by the coin size you select.
Multiple winning combinations are paid out per pay way. If there is more than one winning combination for different symbols on a pay way, you are paid out for each combination. If there is more than one winning combination for the same symbol on a pay way, you are paid out the value of the highest combination only.
If winning symbol combinations are displayed on multiple pay ways, you are paid out for each combination.
For a combination of regular symbols to produce a winning regular combination, the following criteria must be met:
- Three or more matching symbols must be displayed in any position on consecutive reels.
- Regular winning combinations pay out from left-to-right, so one symbol must be displayed on the first slot reel. A symbol combination starting from the second, third, fourth or fifth slot reel does not pay out.
- Scatter Symbol Payouts
Scatter wins are calculated by multiplying the scatter symbol combination payout by the total number of regular coins bet.
Scatter wins are added to regular wins. If you have a scatter win and a regular win, you are paid out for both wins, as the scatter symbol does not need to appear on consecutive reels to win.
For a combination of scatter symbols to produce a winning scatter combination, the following criteria must be met:
- Completes a winning scatter combination when two or more appear on the reels.
- Cannot be substituted by the wild symbol.
- Cannot be substituted by the expanding wild symbol.
- Merlin Bonus Feature Payouts
Merlin appears after any spin and awards a random multiplier value. The random multiplier value awarded multiplies either:
- Your total win amount for a spin.
- Your total bet amount.
- Grail Bonus Game Payouts
You can play up to eight bonus games on your quest.
After each bonus game you are returned to the regular slot game. Each time you activate the Grail bonus game you move to the next bonus game on your quest.
All the bets and pay ways played in the bonus game are the same as the spin that activated the bonus game.
The bonus games are
- Lake of Legend Bonus Game
Roll the dice to win random multiplier values. You are awarded ten dice rolls. For each dice roll you are awarded a multiplier value equal to the dice value.
Your total bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier values won.
Move all six sword fragments to reforge the sword. If you reforge the sword you are awarded a 15x multiplier value on your total bet amount and a 6x multiplier value for each remaining dice roll.
You win the total of all the wins displayed.
- Misty Vale Bonus Game
You are awarded fifteen free spins.
You can choose an extra wild, multiplier symbol for the free spins. The extra wild, multiplier symbol:
- Does not substitute for the Avalon II Logo symbol and the Grail symbol.
- Doubles the payout of any combination it completes as a wild symbol.
The bonus game cannot be re-activated during the free spins.
- Whispering Woods Bonus Game
You choose objects to reveal random multiplier values.
You can choose to keep your random multiplier value, or pick again and select another shield. You can only pick again a maximum of two times.
- If you pick again, the random multiplier value is forfeited and you can choose again.
- If you keep the random multiplier value, the win amount is displayed in the win box and the game is over. Your total bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier won.
- Forest Falls Bonus Game
You are awarded twenty free spins.
The Avalon II Logo symbol is a trailing wild symbol during the free spins. The bonus game cannot be re-activated during the free spins.
- Dusky Moors Bonus Game
You choose objects to try and match symbols.
Each helm type has a bonus win amount. The win amounts displayed in the bonus game are already multiplied by your total bet amount. Only the bonus win amount is displayed.
When you find matching helms, you win the bonus win amount for that helm type. The bonus win amount won is then multiplied by the bonus multiplier value awarded.
The bonus multiplier value starts at 2x. It increases on every non-matching pick. The maximum multiplier value is 8x.
- Morgan's Keep Bonus Game
You are awarded twenty free spins.
Any win activates the Rolling Reels™ feature.
When a winning combination occurs during a free spin, the symbols in the winning combination explode and disappear after you are paid out. The symbols above the exploding symbols shift position to fill the empty spaces created by the exploding symbols.
If a winning combination results from the shifting symbols, you are paid out again with a 2x multiplier value. This process repeats itself. This increases your chances of winning without using a free spin.
The multiplier value increases by 1, up to a 6x value.
The multiplier value resets to 2x when the cascading symbols do not form a winning combination.
The bonus game cannot be re-activated during the free spins.
- Hall of Shadows Bonus Game
You choose fight sequences against the Black Knight to win random bonus multiplier values.
You win the total of all the random multiplier values revealed. Your total bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier won.
- Isle of Avalon Bonus Game
You spin four wheels to form a bonus multiplier value.
Each wheel has numbered segments. When the wheels stop the numbers displayed on each wheel form the bonus multiplier value you win.
Your total pay way bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier won. Your pay way bet amount is the number of coins you bet per spin. You can bet up to 5 coins per spin.
Game Rules
Click the links for more information about the game rules.
- General Rules
- All 243 pay ways are permanently enabled.
- A bet multiplier of 30 applies per spin.
- You can bet up to 5 coins per spin.
- Malfunctions void all plays and pays.
- Wild Symbol Rules
- The Avalon II Logo symbol is a wild symbol.
- Does not substitute for the Grail symbol.
- Does not substitute for the Lady of the Lake symbol.
- Creates a wild symbol stack.
- Creates its own winning combination when multiple symbols appear on a pay way.
- Does not log an achievement when it completes any combination.
- Multiple winning combinations are paid out per pay way. If there is more than one winning combination for different symbols on a pay way, you are paid out for each combination. If there is more than one winning combination for the same symbol on a pay way, you are paid out the value of the highest combination only.
- Expanding Wild Symbol Rules
- The Lady of the Lake symbol is an expanding wild symbol.
- Only appears on reel 3.
- Does not substitute for the Grail symbol.
- Does not create its own winning combination.
- Does not log an achievement when it completes any combination.
- Multiple winning combinations are paid out per pay way. If there is more than one winning combination for different symbols on a pay way, you are paid out for each combination. If there is more than one winning combination for the same symbol on a pay way, you are paid out the value of the highest combination only.
- Scatter Symbol Rules
- The Grail symbol is a scatter symbol.
- Completes a winning scatter combination when two or more appear on the reels.
- Cannot be substituted by the wild symbol.
- Cannot be substituted by the expanding wild symbol.
- Scatter wins are calculated by multiplying the scatter symbol combination payout by the total number of regular coins bet.
- Scatter wins are added to regular wins. If you have a scatter win and a regular win, you are paid out for both wins, as the scatter symbol does not need to appear on consecutive reels to win.
- Three or more Grail symbols scattered on the reels, activate the Grail bonus game.
- Merlin Bonus Feature Rules
- The Merlin bonus feature is randomly activated during the regular slot game.
- Merlin appears after any spin and awards a random multiplier value.
- The random multiplier value awarded multiplies either:
- Your total win amount for a spin.
- Your total bet amount.
4. Scatter and bonus wins are added to regular wins.
- Grail Bonus Game Rules

- Three or more Grail symbols scattered on the reels, activate the Grail bonus game.
- Journey through the Kingdom on your quest to retrieve the Grail and return it to Avalon.
- You can play up to eight bonus games on your quest.
- During your quest you can choose one of two paths to complete the quest. Each path has a different bonus game.
- After each bonus game you are returned to the regular slot game. Each time you activate the Grail bonus game you move to the next bonus game on your quest.
- When you have completed your quest the bonus game resets and you can start again.
- All the bets and pay ways played in the bonus game are the same as the spin that activated the bonus game.
- The bonus games are:
- Lake of Legend Bonus Game
- Roll the dice to win random multiplier values. You are awarded ten dice rolls.
- For each dice roll you are awarded a multiplier value equal to the dice value. Your total bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier values won.
- Six sword fragments are displayed. Each sword fragment is associated with a dice value. If the dice value rolled matches the sword fragment dice value, the sword fragment is moved to the forge.
- Move all six sword fragments to reforge the sword. If you reforge the sword you are awarded a 15x multiplier value on your total bet amount and a 6x multiplier value for each remaining dice roll.
- You win the total of all the wins displayed.
- Misty Vale Bonus Game
- You are awarded fifteen free spins.
- You can choose an extra wild, multiplier symbol for the free spins.
- The extra wild, multiplier symbol:
- Does not substitute for the Avalon II Logo symbol and the Grail symbol.
- Doubles the payout of any combination it completes as a wild symbol.
- The bonus game cannot be re-activated during the free spins.
- Whispering Woods Bonus Game
- You choose objects to reveal random multiplier values.
- Five shields are displayed. Behind each shield is a random multiplier value. You can choose one shield.
- You can choose to keep your random multiplier value, or pick again and select another shield. You can only pick again a maximum of two times.
- If you pick again, the random multiplier value is forfeited and you can choose again.
- If you keep the random multiplier value, the win amount is displayed in the win box and the game is over.
- Your total bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier won.
- Forest Falls Bonus Game
- You are awarded twenty free spins.
- The Avalon II Logo symbol is a trailing wild symbol during the free spins.
- The bonus game cannot be re-activated during the free spins.
- Dusky Moors Bonus Game
- You choose objects to try and match symbols.
- Twelve cards are displayed. Behind each card is a helm. You choose cards until you find two of the same helms.
- Each helm type has a bonus win amount. The win amounts displayed in the bonus game are already multiplied by your total bet amount. Only the bonus win amount is displayed.
- When you find matching helms, you win the bonus win amount for that helm type. The bonus win amount won is then multiplied by the bonus multiplier value awarded.
- The bonus multiplier value starts at 2x. It increases on every non- matching pick. The maximum multiplier value is 8x.
- Morgan's Keep Bonus Game
- You are awarded twenty free spins.
- Any win activates the Rolling Reels™ feature.
- When a winning combination occurs during a free spin, the symbols in the winning combination explode and disappear after you are paid out. The symbols above the exploding symbols shift position to fill the empty spaces created by the exploding symbols.
- If a winning combination results from the shifting symbols, you are paid out again with a 2x multiplier value. This process repeats itself. This increases your chances of winning without using a free spin.
- The multiplier value increases by 1, up to a 6x value.
- The multiplier value resets to 2x when the cascading symbols do not form a winning combination.
- The bonus game cannot be re-activated during the free spins.
- Hall of Shadows Bonus Game
- You choose fight sequences against the Black Knight to win random bonus multiplier values.
- There are five fight rounds. In each fight round three fight sequences are displayed. Behind each fight combination is a random multiplier value.
- You win the total of all the random multiplier values revealed.
- Your total bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier won.
- Isle of Avalon Bonus Game
- You spin four wheels to form a bonus multiplier value.
- Each wheel has numbered segments. When the wheels stop the numbers displayed on each wheel form the bonus multiplier value you win.
- The wheels spin from the centre wheel outwards. Wheel 1 is the centre wheel. Wheel 4 only unlocks if wheel 3 stops on the bonus 0.
- Your total pay way bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier won. Your pay way bet amount is the number of coins you bet per spin. You can bet up to 5 coins per spin.
9. Winnings are automatically collected at the end of the bonus game.
10. Scatter and bonus wins are added to regular wins.
- Betting and Payout Rules
- All 243 pay ways are permanently enabled.
- Your total bet amount is the number of coins you bet, multiplied by the bet multiplier.
- A bet multiplier of 30 applies per spin.
- You can bet up to 5 coins per spin.
- Regular winning combinations pay out from left-to-right, so one symbol must be displayed on the first slot reel. A symbol combination starting from the second, third, fourth or fifth slot reel does not pay out.
- Multiple winning combinations are paid out per pay way. If there is more than one winning combination for different symbols on a pay way, you are paid out for each combination. If there is more than one winning combination for the same symbol on a pay way, you are paid out the value of the highest combination only.
- If winning symbol combinations are displayed on multiple pay ways, you are paid out for each combination.
- All payout table win amounts in PlayCheck are displayed in coins.
- All payout figures show the number of coins that are won for each combination. The total number of coins paid out depends on the number of coins you play.
- Regular wins are calculated by taking the number of coins won, multiplied by the number of coins bet. For each spin, the bet amount you choose is automatically multiplied by the bet multiplier.
- Winning scatter combinations can appear in any position on the reels.
- The number of credits won is dependent on the total number of coins won multiplied by the coin size you select.
- The formula to calculate the conversion of your coins to credits is: number of coins x coin size played = amount in credits.
- Malfunctions void all plays and pays.
Wild Symbol
The Avalon II Logo symbol is a wild symbol. This symbol:
- Does not substitute for the Grail symbol.
- Does not substitute for the Lady of the Lake symbol.
- Creates a wild symbol stack.
- Creates its own winning combination when multiple symbols appear on a pay way.
- Does not log an achievement when it completes any combination.
Expanding wild symbol
The Lady of the Lake symbol is an expanding wild symbol. This symbol:
- Only appears on reel 3.
- Does not substitute for the Grail symbol.
- Does not create its own winning combination.
- Does not log an achievement when it completes any combination.
Scatter Symbol
The Grail symbol is a scatter symbol. This symbol:
- Completes a winning scatter combination when two or more appear on the reels.
- Activates the Grail bonus game when three or more appear on the five reels.
- Cannot be substituted by the wild symbol.
- Cannot be substituted by the expanding wild symbol.
Scatter wins are calculated by multiplying the scatter symbol combination payout by the total number of regular coins bet.
Merlin Bonus Feature
The Merlin bonus feature is randomly activated during the regular slot game. In this feature:
- Merlin appears after any spin and awards a random multiplier value.
- The random multiplier value awarded multiplies either:
- Your total win amount for a spin.
- Your total bet amount.
Grail Bonus Game
Three or more Grail symbols scattered on the reels, activate the Grail bonus game. In this game:
- Journey through the Kingdom on your quest to retrieve the Grail and return it to Avalon.
- You can play up to eight bonus games on your quest.
- During your quest you can choose one of two paths to complete the quest. Each path has a different bonus game.
- After each bonus game you are returned to the regular slot game. Each time you activate the Grail bonus game you move to the next bonus game on your quest.
- When you have completed your quest the bonus game resets and you can start again.
- All the bets and pay ways played in the bonus game are the same as the spin that activated the bonus game.
The bonus games are:
- Lake of Legend Bonus Game
Roll the dice to win random multiplier values. You are awarded ten dice rolls.
For each dice roll you are awarded a multiplier value equal to the dice value. Your total bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier values won.
Six sword fragments are displayed. Each sword fragment is associated with a dice value. If the dice value rolled matches the sword fragment dice value, the sword fragment is moved to the forge.
Move all six sword fragments to reforge the sword. If you reforge the sword you are awarded a 15x multiplier value on your total bet amount and a 6x multiplier value for each remaining dice roll.
You win the total of all the wins displayed.
- Misty Vale Bonus Game
You are awarded fifteen free spins.
You can choose an extra wild, multiplier symbol for the free spins. The extra wild, multiplier symbol:
- Does not substitute for the Avalon II Logo symbol and the Grail symbol.
- Doubles the payout of any combination it completes as a wild symbol.
The bonus game cannot be re-activated during the free spins.
- Whispering Woods Bonus Game
You choose objects to reveal random multiplier values.
Five shields are displayed. Behind each shield is a random multiplier value. You can choose one shield.
You can choose to keep your random multiplier value, or pick again and select another shield. You can only pick again a maximum of two times.
- If you pick again, the random multiplier value is forfeited and you can choose again.
- If you keep the random multiplier value, the win amount is displayed in the win box and the game is over.
Your total bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier won.
- Forest Falls Bonus Game
You are awarded twenty free spins.
The Avalon II Logo symbol is a trailing wild symbol during the free spins. The bonus game cannot be re-activated during the free spins.
- Dusky Moors Bonus Game
You choose objects to try and match symbols.
Twelve cards are displayed. Behind each card is a helm. You choose cards until you find two of the same helms.
Each helm type has a bonus win amount. The win amounts displayed in the bonus game are already multiplied by your total bet amount. Only the bonus win amount is displayed.
When you find matching helms, you win the bonus win amount for that helm type. The bonus win amount won is then multiplied by the bonus multiplier value awarded.
The bonus multiplier value starts at 2x. It increases on every non-matching pick. The maximum multiplier value is 8x.
- Morgan's Keep Bonus Game
You are awarded twenty free spins.
Any win activates the Rolling Reels™ feature.
When a winning combination occurs during a free spin, the symbols in the winning combination explode and disappear after you are paid out. The symbols above the exploding symbols shift position to fill the empty spaces created by the exploding symbols.
If a winning combination results from the shifting symbols, you are paid out again with a 2x multiplier value. This process repeats itself. This increases your chances of winning without using a free spin.
The multiplier value increases by 1, up to a 6x value.
The multiplier value resets to 2x when the cascading symbols do not form a winning combination.
The bonus game cannot be re-activated during the free spins.
- Hall of Shadows Bonus Game
You choose fight sequences against the Black Knight to win random bonus multiplier values.
There are five fight rounds. In each fight round three fight sequences are displayed. Behind each fight combination is a random multiplier value.
You win the total of all the random multiplier values revealed. Your total bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier won.
- Isle of Avalon Bonus Game
You spin four wheels to form a bonus multiplier value.
Each wheel has numbered segments. When the wheels stop the numbers displayed on each wheel form the bonus multiplier value you win.
The wheels spin from the centre wheel outwards. Wheel 1 is the centre wheel. Wheel 4 only unlocks if wheel 3 stops on the bonus 0.
Your total pay way bet amount is multiplied by the multiplier won. Your pay way bet amount is the number of coins you bet per spin. You can bet up to 5 coins per spin.
Paytable Achievements
The Paytable Achievements feature enables you to track your winnings status by highlighting symbol combinations that you have won.
Once you have won all combinations for a particular symbol, you are informed of this achievement, and the symbol is highlighted on the payout table.
Achievements are logged during the regular slot game.
Achievements are permanently highlighted on the payout table, even after you exit the game.
The following are not logged as achievements:
- A winning combination completed by a wild symbol.
- A winning combination completed by an expanding wild symbol.
- A winning combination completed in the Grail bonus game.
Playing the game
The objective of the game is to spin the reels so the symbols form a winning combination on the pay way. The payout is dependent on the winning combination formed.
To play:
1. Place a bet. How?
- Click the Bet button.
- Click the Coin Size arrows to increase or decrease the coin size you want to bet.
- Click the Coins arrows to increase or decrease the number of coins you want to bet. You can also click the Bet button arrows to select the number of coins you want to bet.
2. Click Spin. The reels start spinning.
- If you have a winning combination lined up on the pay way, the win is highlighted on the reels. You are paid out the win amount as displayed in the Win box.
Click Win to view the top five wins for your current game session. - If you do not have a winning combination, the game is over and you can play again.
AutoPlay, Options and Statistics
You can change options and view statistics for games using the Options or Statistics
You can also spin a set number of times in succession without interacting with the game, using AutoPlay or AutoSpin. In some games AutoPlay is available in Expert mode only.
How do I turn on Expert mode?
1. Click Expert. The Expert mode features are activated, such as AutoPlay.
How do I use AutoPlay?
1. Select a bet amount. You must select a bet amount before you start the AutoPlay session, as AutoPlay plays with the last bet value.
2. If the game has Expert mode, click Expert.
3. Click AutoPlay. In some games you cannot set the number of spins to play in the AutoPlay session, so clicking this button starts AutoPlay that continues until you click Stop. In other games this button enables you to choose the number of spins you want to play and your stop options. Once you have configured these options, click Start to begin your AutoPlay session.
What options do I have in Autoplay?
AutoPlay options differ between games. Your game may not have all of these options.
AutoPlay Options | |
Number of spins |
Set the number of times the slot reels spins during your AutoPlay session. |
Number of seconds between spins |
Set the delay between AutoPlay spins. |
Until stop |
Continue Autoplay until you click the Stop button. |
Stop if a winexceeds or equals |
Stop spins if the number of credits won on any spin exceeds or equals the amount selected. |
Stop once all spins are complete |
Stop after playing the number of reel spins selected. |
Stop when jackpot is won |
Stop spins if the Jackpot is won. |
Stop on any win |
Stop the session if you win on a spin |
Stop if credits increase by |
Stop the session if the number of credits increases by the amount selected. |
Stop if credits decrease by |
Stop the session if the number of credits decreases by the amount selected. |
Stop on a feature |
Stops if Free Spins or another bonus feature is triggered. |
Start AutoPlay without showing this dialog |
Start future sessions without viewing the AutoPlay settings, using your saved settings or the default settings. |
How do I change game options?
- Click Options.
- Choose the required settings.
- Click OK.
What are the options settings?
Game options differ between games. Your game may not have all of these options.
Quick Spin |
Increases the speed of the Slot reel spin so your results are displayed quicker. |
Quick Spin in Free Spins |
Increases the speed of the Slot reel spin so your results are displayed quicker |
Switch off Gamble feature |
Disables the Gamble feature during the Slot game |
Allow Gamble |
Enables the Gamble feature during the Slot game. |
Sound Settings |
Displays the sound options. |
Switch off Cinematic Spins |
Plays a selection of video clips in the background during reel spins. |
Graphics |
Displays the game graphics with basic or enhanced effects. |
High quality effects |
Plays the game with or without high quality effects.
Hide Respin Cost |
Shows or hides the respin cost when you position your mouse pointer over a Respin button. |
Reel Stopping Order |
Displays the reel stopping order options. |
Balance, Bet and Win Values |
Displays these values for the game you are playing, in coins or credits. |
Enable 3D Stereo |
Enables you to toggle between 3D mode and Standard mode |
Edit Avatar |
You can add an Avatar image, or edit an existing Avatar image |
How do I see game statistics?
Statistics only apply to the current game session. When you exit the game, the statistics reset to zero.
- Click Statistics (%).
- View your current Game Play Statistics.
- Click OK.
Spin Results |
Displays the number of spins played during the current game session, the length of your game session, and the average number of spins per hour |
Highest Wins | Displays the highest three win amounts during the current game session. |
The theoretical return to player of this game is 99%.
The maximum win from a single game is £250,000.
Last modification date: 6/9/2020